Category Archives: Personal Development

The Oldest Personal Development Book Ever Written

   The  Torah 

I was surfing Facebook the other day and came across a video a friend  of mine, Samii Nuku made. It really got my attention when I realized what he was saying.  His video had to do with what You put out is what You get back and how important it is to be careful about what you put out. He talked about how important it is to project out what you want to get back in your life regardless of what You are going through.

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Is it about the Journey or the Destination?

   Or is it more  Important?

I read somewhere that “the Journey is the essence of where life exists in all her glory.” Some people say it is the goal, the Destination that is the real Journey.  Others say sometimes it is the Journey that teaches you about your Destination.  So what is more important?

The Destination is a fixed dot, while the Journey connects the dots. Destinations are milestones; they are goals that give direction to life.  Getting to your  Destinations and achieving your goals will make you proud, while the Journey will make you wiser and stronger.

Does saying that life is about the Journey, not the Destination, deny the significance of the Destination? Does it encourage us to demote direction and embrace a shoulder-shrugging “anything goes attitude?” as expressed in this article written by Alex Mathers? Does this attitude give us a reason to hold back, to relax, to wander, to be aimless?

Is it not true that all of humankind’s greatest wins happened when people prioritized their Destination and went for it? When they treated Destination as survival,  prioritized Destination and did whatever it took to get there?

So as with many things in life, the answer to this question is  not a simple one. I think it lies in looking at both the Destination and the Journey.

  • Don’t take your eyes off the prize – the Destination, but enjoy the Journey at the same time.
  • Your character will shaped and strengthened on the journey’s path through the experience you gain,  the trials and tribulations you endure, and the lessons learned. 
  • Know that the final outcome may not be as significant as you originally believed. ’
  • What you do along the way is governed by the person you become along the way, the skills you acquire, the connections you make and the inner growth which takes place.
  • When you lost sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart.
  • You will get to know yourself better, more deeply as you travel to your Destination.

Very often our decisions focus on the outcome, the goal, the Destination. Sometimes you want to focus on the path, and sometimes on the Journey instead. So here is a way to look at both.

When making a decision, ask yourself what is most important?

Is it choosing the best option/path, having the best experience/Journey or creating the best outcome/destination? Dig deep and ask yourself what the best option, experience or outcome might actually look like and know up front that not all decisions will have the same answer.  For example:

When you focus on the path/option, consider what is the fastest option, the cheapest option, the one you like the most or maybe it’s  a combination of all of these? The perception a person has of their choice often affects their experience. You can focus on your options when the experience and outcome will be about the same no matter what option you choose. Or when you can’t predict what the experience or outcome will be.

When you focus on the Journey/Experience, you can consider, for example, that for short ones with  quick implementations, you can  ignore the experience and focus on the outcome. But for long ones, you might want to take into consideration the Journey as well as the outcome. 

When you focus on the Destination/outcome, you might want to consider the option that creates the best result, or in other words the one with the best chance of succeeding. For important goals, the Destination can be more important than the Journey.

In the end…

Surrendering to the Universe’s flow makes you stronger, not weaker. Living on purpose means that you must surrender to a path that you can’t fully see. In life we only get one glimpse of the next right step at a time. The end result is sometimes blurry and hidden. But, the Universe may be guiding you toward a better path, helping you avoid a disaster you couldn’t perceive, or teaching you a lesson you needed to learn before advancing to the next step of your Journey. When you allow yourself to surrender and co-create with the Universe, it’s a powerful combination that generates great insight and joy.

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Making Decisions

       Making Decisions…
It’s not so easy… or is it?

There’s a lot to making decisions. This article will  cover some of what goes into making a decision, how we make them, how difficult or easy it can be, and more.

We spend an awful lot of time, and a tremendous amount of energy, making choices between equally attractive options in everyday situations, the mundane situations as well as the more complicated ones. The problem is, that while they may be equally attractive, they are also differently attractive, with tradeoffs that require compromise.  We ask one question, which leads to the next and to the next and to next. It can drive a person crazy.

Do we go with our logical brain or do we go with our emotional heart? Do we go with our intution or our reasoning? Here are some things to think about when making decisions.

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Be Grateful for What You Have…

BE GRATEFUL – It will change everything that is bad to good



Life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be  happy. What will make you happy is to appreciate what you already have.            



Many people create visions boards as a way to figure out who they are, what they want out of life, and where they want to go. But here’s a thought I heard from Gedale Fenster, maybe before we create our Vision Boards, we should first create our Gratitude Boards.

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Consistency Leads to Self Discipline and So Much More


I recently read that it takes 40 days to create a new habit (or in other words to get rid of a bad one.) So I tried it. A 40-day challenge to take walks for at least an hour every day for 40 days straight.  I am happy to report that I was successful, but not at first. My first attempt only got me to Day 8 and then it rained, so I stopped walking for 2 days. Of course, I had to start all over, and from January 10, 2018 – February 18, 2018 I walked every day for at least an hour, either on the levee of the Sacramento River or at the gym. Click here and see the Memory Book I created of my journey.

But what exactly happened to me as a result of this new habit I acquired?

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