The Oldest Personal Development Book Ever Written

   The  Torah 

I was surfing Facebook the other day and came across a video a friend  of mine, Samii Nuku made. It really got my attention when I realized what he was saying.  His video had to do with what You put out is what You get back and how important it is to be careful about what you put out. He talked about how important it is to project out what you want to get back in your life regardless of what You are going through.

Over time, Samii became  more conscious about what he was putting out there in the world, on Facebook and in his messages, and slowly but surely he started receiving videos, posts, motivations that resonated with the messages he was sending out to the world. He said, “If you are not receiving things that you want, it could be because you are not putting out those things. What you put out there is what you attract.”.

“Put out what you want, irrespective of what you are going through.” Everyone is going through something, a personal tragedy, loss of a loved one, a broken heart, financial difficulties. We are all going through something.  Life is a constant up and down affair, one day is good another now so good. But know that what you choose to put out there is what you will get back. The vibratory state you are in is what you will get back.

What you put out there is what you will get back…just one of many lessons

And then Samii said something that totally got me. He referred to the various religions and their foundational materials — and how they all talk about “What you put out there is what you will get back” and how The Bible (and for me it is Torah) is  the oldest personal development story based book ever written.

And I knew he was right.  It IS the oldest personal development story based book ever written. When people are struggling with their issues, their challenges, their hopes and dreams, they often turn to the scriptures to find the answer, to find peace and to overcome and deal with whatever they are going through.

That is because This amazing Book has amazing stories, guidance, values, principles, morals and standards to live by. The Book has stories You can learn from and build upon for your own circumstances in life. It has every possible situation a person could experience and a resolution to each of these circumstances. This Book should definitely not be taken lightly. IT has all the answers.

We all want to find the key to success, whether it’s  at work, learning, in marriage, in  parenting, in relationships. We work  to meet our goals and reach new heights. People often can’t figure out why they’ve failed. They look at others who have succeeded, and think, ‘I’ve got everything he’s got. What’s his secret?’ In fact, sometimes those with greater natural ability are surpassed by those with far less. What is their secret?

It’s usually not what you’d expect. While there are many factors, one is purely psychological. All too often our greatest obstacle is our own mind. We may have the innate ability to succeed, yet our mind creates psychological barriers. These can be more crippling than any physical shortcoming. We don’t believe in ourselves or abilities. We lack confidence and expect to fail. This false perception is very difficult to overcome.

The Torah attests to the value of psychological barriers.

If we label ourselves a certain way, we become that way. But if we break the barrier, remove the label, and view ourselves through the prism of independence and greatness, then we’ll be great. We are capable of achieving great heights. Our sole limitations come from within.

Many of the personal development mentors  out there like Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins,  Jim Rohn, and many more are totally in line with lessons from the Holy Books.  They refer to them or their concepts continuously in their teachings…the Universal and Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos.  There are many Universal and Spiritual Laws that people write about. Here are links to some of them. Read them, learn from them, apply them to your own life. It’s not just about what you put out there, it’s how you live your life.

More Resources

And there are tons of personal development books out there. Here are just a few as well as links to articles that give you many more:

But in the end these laws, these books, these lessons, all of them can be traced back to the oldest Personal Development Book ever written, the Torah.

Did this help you? If so, it would be great if you shared it with your friends and colleagues and don’t forget to comment below and/or share on Facebook. 


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