You Were Born Rich and much more from Bob Proctor

“You Were Born Rich” and so much more from Bob Proctor

    “You Were Born Rich”

by Bob Proctor is a must read for your personal library. It can be used as a step-by-step manual to bring you closer to your financial goals as well as to personal fulfillment.

This blog post provides everything (well almost everything) you need to know about “You Were Born Rich”, videos to watch, excerpts to read and even links to the full download of the actual book, a  full audio as well as other Bob Proctor products, information, videos, and resources.

Free Resources

  1. PDF of  You Were Born Rich Book  –  This book that lays out, step-by-step, how to bring you closer to anything you want to achieve
  2. PDF  of You Were Born Rich Workbook   has a series of exercises and questions that are deliberately put together to direct you to alter your conditioned mind which is controlling your material state
  3. Your Were Born Rich audios – listen to each chapter for yourself
  4. Vintage YouTube Video “Your were Born Rich” 3-part series
    1. Part 1
    2. Part 2
    3. Part 3
  5. The Secret – a book and a movie, where various scientists, authors and philosophers propose the secret to leading a happy and successful life.
    1. you tube video
    2. PDF The.Secret.(Rhonda.Byrne)
  6. Meditation videos:
    1. Abundance Video
    2. Guided Meditation
    3. Shift your Paradigm
    4. Visualizing Your Abundant Future
Invest in Yourself

Check out these courses/live stream event that is guaranteed to help you succeed.

  1. Streamlining Club – In this program you will mastermind and learn from the world’s master thinkers and achievers each and every week. You will have a place you can count on every week to expand your mind. You will reach your goals faster with weekly insights from the industry’s best through a live streaming session. During these LIVE streaming sessions, you will get everything you need to:
    1. Increase your vibration and awareness
    2. Motivate you into action
    3. Open up new possibilities
    4. Help you make frequent and immediate progress towards your goals and dreams
  2. Master in Your Mind Coaching Program. In this program, Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and Mary Morrissey actually coach you on how to develop each of your six higher mental faculties: imagination, intuition, will, perception, memory and reason.
  3. Six Minutes to Success Program.  This program will dramatically increase your results in ALL areas of your life. You will get practical steps combined with the real inspiration you need to earn more money, create thriving relationships, start a wildly successful business, lose any amount of weight and live a more productive, fulfilling life.
  4. If you can’t go in person Sign up for the livestream event that will be happening on February 24-25, 2018 “Paradigm Shift”.

Now you have so many great resources to help you succeed.  There is absolutely no excuse not to access one or more of these sources immediately. Start learning  how to succeed by listening to what Bob Proctor has to say.

Did this help you? If so, it would be great if you shared it with your teammates, commented below and shared on Facebook. 


Live the Good Life with Sara – Helping You Succeed!
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