Embrace and be Passionate about LIFELONG LEARNING

.Embrace and Be Passionate about Lifelong Learning because… 

  I think Einstein knows what he’s talking about.  

Don’t You?

What exactly is lifelong learning? “It’s the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons”.  Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to. It is a deliberate and voluntary act.

Besides the reasons and benefits, some obvious, some not so obvious like the ones below: 

  • Helps a person with Purpose and Path, Passions and Life Satisfaction
  • Improves the Mind
  • Helps with an individual’s self esteem
  • Creates opportunities for a better job, thus more money (financial benefits)
  • Results in much success of highly motivated individuals 
  • Keeps up with a constant changing world, improves a person’s skills
  • Creates a hunger for more knowledge

… Lifelong learning can help us to better understanding the world, provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life.

And here’s one that you may not have even thought of… 

  • Although there is little scientific evidence to support these claims, there is a common view that continuous learning and having an active mind throughout life may delay or halt the progress of some forms of dementia.   There are many who beleive that keeping the brain active has advantages since learning can prevent you from becoming bored and thus enable a more fulfilling life at any age.
Types of Lifelong Learning
  • Formal lifelong learning often takes place as part of a scheduled and monitored sequence of learning such as college courses. This type of learning usually follows a set schedule with a cohort of learners.
  • Self-directed lifelong learning is when students have control over the path and pace of learning. Examples of this may include online courses. Take them on demand when your schedule permits. Choices include tons of   YouTube workshops that are sequenced but self-paced and many others.
  • Professional development, job training or skill acquisition are usually tied to career passion. It’s about learning on the job and can be done both formally and informally. 
  • Personal development  usually happens outside of the workplace. It is usually connected to a passion or interest. Individuals may pursue this learning informally or formally.
  • Indirectly –  Some lifelong learning happens without you even planning or knowing about it, through conversations, unexpected lessons learned, relationships or travel. The world around you may expose you to new ideas and learning than you had even planned for.
  • Informal, at the opposite end of the spectrum, is done through reading, watching YouTube, from a peer, or by trial and error. The ways to learn informally today are endless.

For all these types of lifelong learning, whether actively pursuing it or not, there does not need to be a specific reason. Learning,  since learning for the sake of learning can in itself be a rewarding experience.


Regardless of where you want to start or what type of learning you’d like to engage in, the sources for supporting this endeavor are limitless. Here are just a few:

  • Daily life (community, kids, work, etc.)
  • The people around you—ask questions. All the time.
  • Places (museums, parks, nature, literally anywhere)
  • Internet (you can get access to pretty much anything through a Google search)
  • Literature and books
  • Online classes and videos (Lynda.com, YouTube)
  • Universities and Community Colleges
  • Apprenticeships and internships
  • Certification and training programs
And finally… Start Now
  • Become open to the possibilities around you
  • Increase awareness about what is of interest to you
  • Start small and build from there
  • Don’t be afraid to fail
  • Model after others 
  • Ask more, speak less

Read more  here and here – self-directed learners

And  listen to these  series of TED Talks on lifelong learning

In conclusion, think about this …

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever” … Mahatma Gandhi

Did this help you? If so, it would be great if you shared it with your friends and colleagues and don’t forget to comment below and/or share on Facebook. 


Live the Good Life with Sara – Helping You Succeed!
Skype: Sara.Metzger
Email: sarametzger@comcast.net
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/sara26.metzger?fref=ts

Contact me if you want to Live the Good Life, if you want to get started on your goals, and if you want to accomplish these goals. 


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