Get Inspired… 
We all have days when we’re totally uninspired, in a rut, down right stuck and frustrated. I just had a day like that and I have to say it was awful. I was going through my emails, watching videos on internet marketing, looking at my daily list of things to do related to my business and getting sick of it all. Everyone had words of advice, something to sell that would make my life “better”, “my business successful” or just something to “try out”. It became overwhelmingly depressing.
I kept asking myself, what should I do to get out of this state of mind? What did I need to do to get inspired and how was it going to happen?
What should I do?
- Something fun?
- Get outside and go for a walk?
- Think about or talk to someone about my dreams and my WHY?
- Watch something funny or inspirational on TV?
- Focus on my current negative state and what I was actually feeling?
- Work on changing my stale mindset?
- Pump up my creativity somehow by writing or working with my hands?
- Make a list of everything I was grateful for?
I had to get out of it and quickly. I didn’t want the rut to get bigger and the “not caring” feeling to grow. So I turned off the computer and decided to clean a room in my house that I had been neglectimg for months. I went into the room and turned on some music. Then I dusted. Then I went through piles of paperwork. Two more piles, the throw away pile and the to-be-filed pile. I worked on the room for a couple of hours, started to feel slightly better, but I was still not totally fixed, so I decided to take a break and go for a walk. I live across the street from the Sacramento River, so I went for a walk on the levee. It was beautiful. I felt inspired just by the sheer Nature of it all. I took some pictures and just took it all in.
By the time I got home (2 hours later), things were looking better.
I went back to cleaning up the room that I had started on earlier, and before I knew it, the room was clean.
Papers, all organized and filed. And lo and behold I felt organized. I had accomplished two things – cleaned and organized a dirty and messed up room and got out of my rut.
Things look brighter now. I realized that any of the ideas I had listed above to get out of the rut and to become inspired again probably would have worked. I chose cleaning and the river walk, but it really only depends on what you want to do at the moment.
Every person is different and every person finds their inspiration differently. You just have to pick something and do it. Stop making excuses and force yourself to get out of the negativity. Pick one or two things or make a list and do something on that list. You will likely succeed in getting out of the rut and hopefully becoming inspired again. The worst that will happen is you’re bound to feel a little better.
And guess what else happened?
Finally, with my shifted mindset all the things that I saw in the videos, read in the blogs as well as the words of advice I heard earlier in the day were now motivational. They weren’t making me feel overwhelmingly depressed. There were actually some great words of advice, great things to try out and even buy that could make my life better. Each of these things that had made me feel overwhelmingly depressed had something good in them.
As Helen Keller said, “Life is either a great adventure or nothing.” Therefore, we need to grab life while we have it and make the best of the situation.
Read these articles and for sure they will give you many more ways to get out of your rut and get inspired.
If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.
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I really enjoyed this post Sara thank-you for taking the time to write it 🙂