The Plan for February…
The plan for February 2015 now has more categories of activities to implement. It includes a carryover of ideas that were generated in January (listed in n green font below) as well as new activities.
Finish the following posts:
- Be your Own Coach?
- marketing messages are exaggerated – expose The truth about Internet Marketing
- MOBE Newbies
- Work on resources Page (David Risely session 16)
- Mindset
- Do it your way with some structure – ok to look at emails, ok to check in with facebook, ok to communicate with people incorporate these in daily action plan
- What is the no. 1 important thing? Traffic, Mindset, Sales, The Big Why,
- Post about blogs, how to start one, refer to and advertise Dave Risley’s blog, 30 challenge, academy and Vitaliy’s
- MOBE/MTTB review
Publish at least 4 posts a week
Follow up emails
- Produce 7 follow emails per week
- Go to No. 7 in email follow ups by Matt re: 1:1 coach
- Michel Larin WSGT email
Solo Ads
Follow up emails
- Produce 7 follow-up emails per week
- post at least every other day
Exposures/follow ups
- 1 exposure per day = 28
- 1 follow up per day = 28
- learn HAS Back office
- publicize inspiration post on Google and LinkedIn;
- find out about customer relationship management (CRM)system
- research top marketing gurus
- investigate different lead generation software
Technical things
- Set up/figure out pretty link
- RSS Feeds – how do they work
- How to connect posts when they are related
- Showing the post summary instead of the entire post –
- How to make side bar different in each post? How to remove where I want it removed
Each person has their own way of doing things. The Plan approach for me works best. I thrive on lists of things to do and the feeling of accomplishment when I check off those items on the list. Then I can visually see the progress I am making.
Let me know what works for you. What gets you to a place of accomplishment? How do you track your progress?
If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.

Sara Metzger’s Start an Online Business Blog
Skype: Sara.Metzger
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P.S. If your would like to get access to the system that helped me get started with my business and so much more, Click here now
P.S.S. Download the FREE PDF Report I wrote on “The Truth about Internet Marketing… ” and see what it takes to succeed.