Category Archives: The Plan

Accomplishments for September 2015

September  Accomplishments was about Taking Action everyday, moving forward and targeted goal achievement(s)  

Writing down my completed activities and evaluating my  accomplishments monthly makes me realize what I can do…the possibilities are endless.  You can do it TOO!  Put a plan together and get it done!!

Got-a-Plan  followed by take-action  =    h1_accomplishments

Continue reading Accomplishments for September 2015

Is a Plan Really that Important?

A Plan – is it really that important and do you need one?

I believe we all need one. Without a Plan it is difficult  if not impossible to progress and ultimately become  successful…in business and in life.

Planning is one of the most important project and time management techniques one can do.  A Plan is like a map that  shows how you have progressed towards your project goal and how far you are from your destination. Knowing where you are is essential for making good decisions on where to go or what to do next.

Continue reading Is a Plan Really that Important?

Plan for April 2015

OVERALL PLAN FOR APRIL –  Create daily plans that focus on generating targeted leads and then Implement those plans!

Blog : publish at least 3 posts a week
  • Blog ideas from previous months: Be your Own Coach; Marketing messages are exaggerated; expose The truth about Internet Marketing; MOBE Newbies; Mindset; What is the No. 1 important thing? Traffic, Mindset, Sales, The Big Why
  • Publish 2 page “Solo ad provider” cheat sheet that provides information on solo ad providers, how to find them and what to ask them  to use as lead magnet in blog 
  • Create  follow up emails for blog subscribers 
  • Blog posts on putting a plan together from A-Z
  • Blog posts on what activities will lead to getting targeted leads
Solo Ads
  • Use “financial Freedom” capture page created in Leadpages for solo ad
  • Put together outline for Planning and  Project Management Training
    • Blog posts on putting a plan together A-Z
  • Other projects  – from previous months: Learn about SEO, Learn about Adsense/Adword
  • Post on Facebook Personal and Fan Page

Do a physical activity at least 3 times a week for Better Health –  includes walking, yoga, or yard work:

April Plan is hopefully more focused than previous months’ plans. We shall see!!

If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.  


Sara Metzger’s Start an Online Business Blog
Skype: Sara.Metzger
Facebook Fan Page:

P.S. If  your would like to get access to the system that helped me start my online business, click here and get started today!

P.S.S. Download the FREE PDF Report I wrote on “The Truth about Internet Marketing”.  You can find the link to this Report at the top of the page where it says READ THIS FREE PDF REPORT.

Accomplishments in March 2015

 Accomplishments in March  –  

OVERALL PLAN FOCUS FOR MARCH was to build relationships and increase number of Leads – Did I accomplish these goals  in March? See below ** for the answer.

h1_accomplishmentsAgain as in other months, my Accomplishments in March far exceeded my expectations. I realize every  month how important it is for me to documents these accomplishments because with this visual I wouldn’t KNOW what I did. Without this visual I wouldn’t be able to recognize the effort and congratulate myself  –these are key to keeping it all going for me.

Continue reading Accomplishments in March 2015