Being Organized

It’s definitely a skill that anyone can develop even if not inclined to be organized. It really helps if you want to become organized. Like anything else, your success rate will increase the more you want to do that thing that you want to do.. In this case being organized.  This article will give you a bunch of ways to get there. Hopefully one of these ways will resonate with you and you will be able to follow it with Joy!  (Lol)

1. Organize you Time
  • Put important dates in a calendar. Get a calendar and hang it in a spot where you can look at it every day,  like in your kitchen, by your bed, or in your home office. You can also put a calendar on your computer desktop or use the calendar app on your smartphone. Put all important dates in the calendar, such as due dates, appointments, and meetings. Keep it updated regularly to help you organize your time.
  • If you are using a calendar app on your phone, you can set reminders a few days or a few hours in advance so you don’t forget an important date. 
  • Use a day planner to keep your time organized. It will break down the week by day, allowing you to put in appointments or meetings for each day. Write down all of your commitments by hour in the day planner. Check the planner at the start of your day so you know what you have scheduled and can stay organized. Here’s something you can use while you’re deciding wihch planner to use, or just use this. Goal Achiever’s Daily Actions.
  • Keep a to-do list. Make a to-do list, maybe one list for short-term things you have to do and one list for long-term things. Write the to-do list on a whiteboard and keep it somewhere you can see it, such as in your kitchen or your bedroom. Cross out items as you complete them so you feel productive and motivated to tackle more items on the list.
  • If you’d prefer to keep the to-do list on your computer, make a spreadsheet and use it as a to-do list. Keep the spreadsheet on your desktop so you can look at it and cross off items as you complete them.
  • Reward yourself for staying organized. Use a rewards system. You may treat yourself to whatever you consider a treat when you check an item off your to-do list. 
  • Only give yourself these rewards when you have completed the necessary tasks for the day.
2. Work in an Organized Way 
  • Make a daily schedule. To stay organized while you work, create a daily schedule of tasks. List each task by importance and check them off as you complete them. Put the most important tasks first, followed by the least important. Doing this can help you feel organized on a daily basis, whether you are at work or at school.
  • Very helpful to write down your 3 Most Important Tasks every day that you want to make sure you complete.
  • Schedule breaks throughout your work day. Though it is important that you get all the necessary tasks done, you should also set aside time for short breaks. You may schedule in 5 minute breaks after every few tasks so you can stretch your legs, go for a short walk, or do a few light exercises. You may also use the breaks to get coffee or a snack.[7]
  • Having breaks will make sure you do not get too worn out or overworked, especially if you have a lot of tasks to complete for the day. If you are really busy, try to schedule at least one break in the day so you are not working too many hours straight.
  • Multitask. Another way you can work in a more organized way is to multitask, where you switch between several tasks at once. Multitasking can allow you to get multiple things done within a short period opf time. It can also help you be more organized, as you will feel less overwhelmed or stressed about the things you need to get done if you complete them all at once.[8]
  • For example, you may put the kettle on for your tea and fold towels, send emails, and load the washing machine while the water boils. Or you may set a download on your computer at work and do paperwork or other tasks in the office while you wait for the download to finish.
  • Just keep in mind that some studies have shown that multitasking may diminish one’s ability to focus on one thing at a time.  OR
  • Do one thing at a time. It really depends on the task(s), your mood, and priority(ies) for the day.
  • Delegate tasks to others, when needed. Try to delegate tasks to others when you can at work in your office or to other family members in your home. Delegating tasks can make your day run more efficiently and allow you to stay organized.
  • For example, you may delegate chores in your home to your children or your family members so you are not the only one cleaning and maintaining the house. Or you may delegate tasks to coworkers who have free time or an hour to spare so you can make sure all your tasks get done for the day.
3.  Organize Your Space
  • Organize your bedroom. To keep your space organized, start by focusing on your bedroom. Go through each item in your bedroom and decide if you can get rid of any items you no longer use or need. Reduce clutter in your bedroom and clean it out so you feel more organized, and keep only items you use in your bedroom.
  • Keep your home office and your desk organized. If you have a work space in your home, tackle this area and keep it organized. Go through all papers and bills on your desk. Put these items in folders or in a filing cabinet. Get rid of any papers you do not need to keep as hard copies. Put office supplies in drawers or cabinets. Place pens and pencils in a pen holder.
  • You should also put items that you use often closer to your workspace so they are within reach. For example, if you often use a stapler in your office, keep it in the top drawer of your desk so it’s within reach and you know where it is at all time
  • Organize your kitchen
  • Your kitchen will likely be one of the most used areas in your home. Keep it organized by going through each item and donating any items you no longer use. Throw away broken kitchen tools or old utensils. Clear out these items and then assess how to organize the items you are keeping.
  • Place related items together in drawers or cupboards. For example, store all coffee mugs together or all utensils together
  • Keep your kitchen counters free of items when possible and only leave out items you use often, such as a large cutting board or a kettle
  • Some items need layout or ordering and not just grouping. Frequently used unique items, like spices, should be kept handy and accessible, such as on a spice rack on the counter.
  • Perishable items, like food, should be consumed on a first-in, first-out basis. 
  • Keep your closet organized
  • Organize your closet by going through your clothing and getting rid of any items you no longer wear.  If you haven’t worn the item in one year, you can get rid of it. Group items of clothing together, such as all jeans on one shelf or all jackets hung in the same spot in your closet.
  • Rotate items that are within reach in your closet so you wear different items and get the most out of each item.
  • Keep all shoes together, preferably on a shoe rack or in labeled bins. 
  • If you’re having trouble keeping your closet tidy, get a closet organizer to help you keep your items sorted.
  • Clean your space regularly
  • To keep up your organization, do regular cleanings of your bedroom, your home office, your desk, your kitchen, and your closet. Designate one day a week as cleaning day and do a good clean of these spots. This will make sure that you reduce any clutter that accumulates in each area of your home. It will also make it easier for you to keep up the system you have in place in each area to keep them organized.
  • You can also clean each space periodically throughout the week to keep up them. Do a light dusting of your home once a day. Throw out any papers or bills you don’t need right away, and not let them clutter up your space
  • It is good to clean your place every week. If your place becomes untidy very quickly, then you can clean more often.
If you want to emulate highly organized people, follow these steps:
  1. Keep it simple
  2. Develop routines
  3. Have a place for everything, and put everything in its place
  4. Write things down
  5. Keep a current and detailed to-do list
  6. Don’t procrastinate
  7. Don’t get bogged down by perfectionism
  8. Toss things daily and purge routinely
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Live the Good Life with Sara – Helping You Succeed

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P.S. If you want to read about more ways to change your Mindset and move towards your goals and success in life, click here and read more about personal development and You. 



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