Accomplishments in March –
OVERALL PLAN FOCUS FOR MARCH was to build relationships and increase number of Leads – Did I accomplish these goals in March? See below ** for the answer.
Again as in other months, my Accomplishments in March far exceeded my expectations. I realize every month how important it is for me to documents these accomplishments because with this visual I wouldn’t KNOW what I did. Without this visual I wouldn’t be able to recognize the effort and congratulate myself –these are key to keeping it all going for me.
- Black bold – completed activities initially listed for the month
- Black – not completed
- Green – activities from previous months – not completed
- Green bold – activities completed after initial list for month
- Red bold – need to work on more next month
So what were my Accomplishments in March?
Publish at least 3 posts a week on blog and publicize in Facebook Fan Page and/or Personal Page, and LinkedIn: not completed
- 3/1/15- 3/8/15: IM Freedom Workshop; Plan for March; My Journey continues…the first 4 Months
- 3/8/15- 3/15/15: Ask Matt Lloyd; Feeling High and Ecstatically Happy; Do you need Money to make Money?
- 3/15/15-3/22/15: none
- 3/22/15- 3/29: MOBE/MTTB Review Page, the Dreaded Learning Curve
- Week of 3/29: March Accomplishments
Created follow up emails for blog subscribers for a total of 9 –needs more work next month
Blog ideas from previous months: Be your Own Coach; Marketing messages are exaggerated; expose The truth about Internet Marketing; MOBE Newbies; Mindset; What is the No. 1 important thing? Traffic, Mindset, Sales, The Big Why;
Learn about SEO
Learn about Adsense/Adwords
Solo Ads
- Created at least 15 follow up emails (includes broadcast emails) for solo ad campaign == now have 49 emails in A/R series ==
- Created Solo Ad Capture Page – Financial Freedom
- Posted in Facebook personal page
- Posted in Facebook Fan Page
- Have 473 friends and 73 fans
- Technical skills increased: added”continue reading” feature in blog posts; posted correct links for blog post in Facebook and Linkedin
- Create a daily schedule and follow it! need to do this next month
- Created a 2 page “Solo ad provider” cheat sheet that provides information on solo ad providers, how to find them and what to ask them to use as lead magnet in blog need to publish in blog next month!!
- Learned Leadpages and created Capture Page for IM Freedom Workshop and one for solo ad capture page – “financial freedom” – need to publish and send out solo ad next month
- Created sign ups in AWeber for the above capture pages – required by Aweber
- Make at 1 least contact a day and follow up with that person within 3 days – not completed
Physical Activity at least 3 times a week for Better Health – includes walking, yoga, or yard work – accomplishments for each week listed below:
- 3/1/15 – 3
- 3/8/15 – 1
- 3/15/15 – 5
- 3/22/15 – 3
- 3/29/15 – 1
Enlightenment – needs work
Working on not over reacting to situations as they come up – roll more with the punches instead of letting the knee jerk reaction take over!!
** So did I accomplish my overall goals ?
Did I build relationships and increase number of Leads? I guess the answer is generally yes. I started lots of relationships on Facebook, have 347 friends and 73 fans of my FanPage. Decided that this overall goal needs to be framed differently in future months and connected more to the actual activities that need to be performed in order to attain goal.
I truly believe that each person has their own way of doing things. Although the Plan approach with lists of things to do works for me, you may have another way or tool that works for you. Whatever it is, it will work if you work it.
Let me know what works for you. What gets you to a place of accomplishment? How do you track your progress?
If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.
Sara Metzger’s Start an Online Business Blog
Skype: Sara.Metzger
Facebook Fan Page:
P.S. If your would like to get access to the system that helped me with my business and so much more, Click here now and get started Today!
P.S.S. Download the FREE PDF Report I wrote on “The Truth about Internet Marketing… ” and see what it takes to succeed.