Your Why is the Most Important Element

    Why is Your WHY so Important?
Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out WHY.”

According to the collective gurus and wise sages of all times, the ONE way, the only way  to have a successful and meaningful life is to know YOUR purpose, to know your WHY, to know WHY you are here on earth.

Your WHY is the most important element of your life. It is the reason you are here on Earth.  It is your purpose. Once you figure that out, everything else is more likely to fall into place including your business, your relationships, achieving your goals and becoming successful in whatever you want to accomplish.

Your WHY is a statement about your destiny. It is the reason you are going through this life journey. Your WHY  is  your personal reason for being here on Earth. It has to be something really big and meaningful. It has to be something that will make you thrilled and excited each time you think about it.

When I first started this journey, part of the training focused on developing my WHY. Knowing what your WHY is –  the purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do – provides you with a conscious decision and reason to live a happy and passionate life every day.

Here is the thinking behind this concept for business purposes. Whenever the business becomes overwhelming, frustrating or just down right hard. Whenever you don’t feel like doing it, or get bored  doing it , I you must remember your WHY because it will help you reach the goal that you want. It will help you keep on track.

  • The more you want something, the more likely it will happen
  • Dig deep inside and figure out how much you want IT.
  • Believe in what you want
  • Dream about what you want
AND connect what you want to your WHY!! – This is the Secret!!

This mental exercise works! Connecting my WHY with the reason for the business gave me the extra strength, motivation and persistence to not give me and keep going. It helped me overcome days when I thought what have I done? What was the reason I  even start this venture?  It has helped me to feel inspired and motivated and maybe even inspire others.

Your Why

Everything makes sense after you’ve figured it out because you know that you have a reason to get up every morning. You’re no longer a victim reacting to circumstances like most people believe they are. You are in control.

If you are not feeling motivated in your life or your business, if things aren’t moving forward, and  if you find yourself feeling “stuck,” it is most likely because your WHY  is not strong enough to pull you through the rough spots. It is not strong enough to make you push yourself to do things when you don’t want to do them.

What is your WHY? Have you figured it out yet? Don’t wait too long. Life will slip through your fingers before you know it. Figure it out while you are here. Let us know what your WHY is below in the comments.

If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.  


Sara Metzger Helping You Succeed

Skype: Sara.Metzger
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P.S. If  your would like help figuring out your WHY, contact me.  There are many tools out there to help you get started. Click here to see just a few resources now. 


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