The Dreaded Learning Curve

Learning CurveThe Dreaded Learning Curve

One of my 10 realizations  when first starting the business – No. 4 to be exact – was truly understanding and knowing  that  I absolutely had to deal with a LEARNING CURVE – the dreaded learning curve —  to everything I was learning.  Some learning curves were steeper than others, some took less time than others, and there were those that seemed like forever before I “got  it”.

In my earlier post on the learning curve issue, I used the example of setting up a blog,  but here I am many months later still dealing with the learning curve on yet another issue. I am again resigned to knowing that all new things include allearning curve.

In 2016, one my example of the dreaded learning curve was creating capture pages for my products. The specific product I had to learn was Lead Pages. Without getting into the intricacies of the learning process, let’s just say there was definitely a learning process. 

So I started again. – from scratch. I was determined to learn all this thing called a capture page because it was “vital” to the success of my businesses. I spent 6 hours watching a training video. It took me the  first 2 1/2 hours  to create the Thank you page 

I also felt the need to create a list of items that I would need to follow-up on  because I didn’t understand what they were, what they did, and why I needed to know about them.  Terms like : exp; html codes; input id; tracking for Facebook integrating;  conversion pixels’ pasting in url and choosing where I want  the url to go; connecting with LinkedIn; couldn’t get picture to load in the thank you page; what is the significance of  adding “powered by Lead pages” in the footer of the Thank You Page; how to do the signature; connecting with webinars; integration with AWeber; email provider – do they mean Comcast or Aweber (turns out they meant Aweber)

That was the first 6-hour day. The second 6-hour day consisted of looking at the video again, several times in fact, while at the same time putting together an actual Lead Page.

Learning Curve can be an excruciating process

As I am editing this post today (two years later), I was thinking back on those two full days when I was learning Leadpages and remembering that  the process was excruciating. I worked hard over those 12 hours  watching the training videos many times over and over and over and over.  I got frustrated and had to talk myself into continuing. Luckily, I was persistent, and didn’t let it go. I needed to learn how to do it. And in the end I did create a LeadPage capture page!!

Thinking on it now still makes me proud. I did good!

So now that you know there is a learning curve, what do you do about it?

First, realize that there  will be a learning curve.  Don’t reject the idea, but embrace it.  Then do it no matter what, learn it until you get.

Second, realize that all things take time, and the best way to get better at anything is practice. If you try something once and it doesn’t work out, that doesn’t mean that you’re horrible at it. It just means that you need practice. Keep trying. Keep doing.  If you fall down, get back up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward.

Third, we need to realize that we’re not going to be perfect at everything. And that’s okay. We’re all good at different things, and that’s part of the beauty of all of this. It’s unfortunate that in today’s modern era, we seem to think that we all need to be able to do everything.

Fourth, and this might be the most important one. The one more want to learn this new thing, the more passionate you are about it, the more necessary it is for your WHY your purpose, the more likely  you will get it done. 

Oh by the way there is also the re-learning part that comes later. I know that even though I  learned it once, I will  have to refresh my memory and rel-learn the next time I create another capture page. But over time, the re-learning and doing over and over and over should result in the learning curve getting smaller and smaller until the process is pretty much engrained in the mind.

If this helped you and you got value, feel free to share with your teammates, on Facebook, and comment below.  


Sara Metzger’s Start an Online Business Blog
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Contact me if you have any questions, want to start a business, or just learn more about internet marketing, succeeding with your goals, mindset training, or more.  Go to my Testimonials Page and the My Work with Sara Page  for more information. 

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